

read our minds
Candy Corn

Everyone agrees that the best part of Halloween — at least for younger folks — is the tradition of trick-or-treating. When else can you walk up to any old house in your neighborhood, knock on the door, and be given a handful or two of free candy, no questions asked? So as Halloween draws closer, […]

Halloween Costumes

Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you want a unique, creative costume this year, it’s time to start planning now! To help provide some inspiration, we have some very Minnesota-inspired and very original costume ideas for you to consider this year. We can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be the only one […]

fishing bobber

A jig and minnow is producing walleyes on the 12- to 15-foot cabbage in Portage Bay and on Second Duck Point in Sucker Bay over 8 to 12 feet. Sand Point in Walker Bay is worth hitting for perch and walleyes in 5 to 12 feet, while perch are going on Huddle’s Reef in 6 […]

fishing bobber

Perch action remains strong off Sand Point and the narrows in 5 to 8 feet or 10 to 15 feet. A jig and minnow or crankbaits are turning walleyes in 7 to 9 feet or on the 10- to 15-foot breaks around Star/Oak, Hardwoods, GrandVu Flats, Sand Point, Cedar Point, and additional shoreline breaks in […]

fishing bobber

Sucker Bay is producing decent numbers of eating-size walleyes, as is First Duck Point, Little Hardwoods, and Second Duck Point in 9 to 12 feet. Walker Bay is producing walleyes off the shoreline breaks and points, but walleyes continue to be scattered. Jiggin’ Raps, a jig and minnow, crawlers, and live-bait rigs with large minnows […]

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