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View this week's fishing report on Leech Lake

Walleyes are being taken with crankbaits during the evening hours in 11 to 13 feet of water on the main lake rocks or with slip bobbers and leeches around Sand Point in 10 to 14 feet of water. Bottom bouncers and spinners with crawlers are producing some walleyes on the main lake reefs in 18 to 20 feet of water. Muskies have been hitting blades or topwater baits on the rocks around Pelican Island, and bass reports have been strong in Sucker Bay and Boy Bay.

Fishing report provided by
Reed’s Sporting Goods
(218) 547-1505

Shriver’s Bait Company
(218) 547-2250

Muskie action continues to go strong with jerk baits and topwater baits on the mid-depth weeds and rocks. Walleye anglers are covering water with crankbaits or spinner rigs with crawlers and leeches on the main lake flats in 15 to 20 feet. The area west of Goose Flats and Trader’s Bay have been two of […]

Look for walleyes to hit a spinner rig along the 15- to 20-foot shoreline breaks or 25- to 30-foot humps in Walker Bay. Cover water with crankbaits or spinner rigs in 15 to 20 feet for walleyes in Trader’s Bay, the Snake Pit, Hardwoods, and Duck point areas. Leadcore and crankbaits are turning walleyes in […]

Bottom bouncers and spinners with crawlers seem to be working best on the main lake rocks for walleyes in 12 to 15 feet. Slip bobbers and leeches or crankbaits are turning walleyes each evening along the 10- to 15-foot breaks in Walker Bay. There’s also been some daytime action with Jiggin’ Raps on the humps […]

You need to cover water and key on low-light periods of the day for walleyes. The best reports are coming off the rocks in 10 to 15 feet with spinner rigs and crawlers. The Annex, Pelican Island, and Submarine Island are good starting points. Walleyes also are being caught on the 9- to 15-foot breaks […]

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