Hilarious Halloween Costume Ideas
October 10, 2019
Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you want a unique, creative costume this year, it’s time to start planning now! To help provide some inspiration, we have some very Minnesota-inspired and very original costume ideas for you to consider this year. We can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be the only one at your office Halloween party to rock these inventive looks!
Kirk Cousins Itt
It’s true – the Vikings aren’t having the best season, and that’s particularly true about Kirk Cousins. But if you’ve been a fan of football in MInnesota for a while, you know it could be worse…because we’ve seen worse. One great thing about this Kirk Cousins Itt costume, though, is that you can proudly display your allegiance to the Vikings without showing your face. (And if he makes a few more costly fumbles, Kirk himself might think about rocking this costume.)
The Eelpout-ing Angler
“How come Tom always gets to sit in the lucky seat?”
“I wanted to fish in the open water, why are we in these dumb reeds?”
“Well, nobody reminded me to bring my own bait!”
Ahh, yes, the Eel-pouting Angler. We all probably know someone who tends to constantly complain about their terrible “luck” on the lake…when it seems that much of their “bad luck” has more to do with their lack of patience.
The great thing is that you probably have everything you need for this costume. Just put on a bad attitude and you’re ready to go!
Paul Bunion
Even legendary heroes deal with some of the same day-to-day problems as us regular folks. Perhaps Paul had trouble finding work boots that fit his oversized feet, or spent a few to many miles walking the Paul Bunyun trail (which, of course, is his favorite).
We considered making this into a couple’s costume, but we’re not sure how one would put together a costume for Babe the Blue Oxalosis. (Trust us, we don’t want to hear your ideas…)
What crazy costumes do you have planned for Halloween this year? What’s your favorite costume of all time?