Dialing Back to Stay Safe In Minnesota
November 20, 2020
Here we are here again. New Restrictions began on Friday, November 20th at 11:59 PM. Minnesota is asking the community to Dial Back. Here is the information that you need to know!

Image from the Minnesota Department of Health
What Is Open!
Take-out and Delivery (food, beverage, and liquor):
Currently, indoor and outdoor dining is paused with the new restrictions that will start on Friday, November 20 at 11:59 PM. But that doesn’t mean you can’t support your local establishments by ordering take-out or delivery! Show your support at your favorite locations and buy a gift card for you to either use at a later date or give as a gift to friends or family! Follow this link to learn more about restaurants in Walker!
Grocery and Retail Stores:
Let’s shop local this holiday season! This new restriction does not involve your local retail stores! But when you go, make sure that you still stay safe. Try to keep 6 feet apart from anyone else in the store, wash your hands and mask up! If you are trying to stay at home as much as you can to help to stop the spread, check online for your local small business. See if you can order online and have it shipped directly to you! Follow this link to learn more about local stops in Walker!
Places of worship, religious services, weddings, and funerals:
See the current Stay Safe Guidance for Places of Worship on the Minnesota government website.
Beauty salons and personal care Services
According to the New restriction plan, retail businesses, barbershops, and salons can stay open but are limited to 50 percent capacity with no more than 250 people inside. View more information here!
Outdoor recreation (Limit to one household)
Hiking, biking, fishing, and hunting are still on, but the restriction asks you to limit doing these fun activities with people that are in your household. Here is a link to recreational activities in and around Walker, MN. With that, be prepared before you go, as some activities could be closed.

Image From The Minnesota Department Of Health
Staying At Home When You’re Able (Only gathering with your immediate household):
To help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Minnesota government is asking you to not gather with people from other households. This means no indoor or outdoor gathering except with immediate household members.
For more information about How COVID-19 is affecting Minnesota and what our up to date restrictions are, please visit the following links below. Stay Safe, Minnesota! We are in this together! #maskup #keep6feetapart #washyourhands #StaySafeMN
Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
** Information is subject to change without notice for Up to date information about COVID-19 and Restrictions please review the resources above**