Report from the Dock With another week of warm weather, along with some rain in certain areas, ice conditions have deteriorated quickly in the southern half of the state. Many accesses and shorelines have started to open, and main-lake ice has become soft. You’ll probably be able to find a lake to fish on this […]
Report from the Dock At this point, most boats have been put in storage, which means fishing reports have been pretty light across the majority of the state. It’s worth noting that docks have been removed at accesses around most of the state as well, so keep that in mind if you still have your […]
As the holiday season approaches, many of us begin to think about gift shopping, family traditions, and how we can make this time of year special for our loved ones. One wonderful way to celebrate the spirit of giving is by supporting local businesses in Walker, MN. Not only does shopping locally contribute to the […]
Report from the Dock It’s taking a while for traditional, fall fishing patterns to develop in most parts of the state. While minnows are turning some walleye, the majority of better walleye catches are still happening with nightcrawlers. Covering water with a spinner and crawler is still the best option, likely due to the fact […]
Report from the Dock Generally, not much has changed from last week as far as fishing reports go throughout the state. It’s remained warm, and water temperatures have not dropped much, if any, so everything has basically remained the same statewide. Walleye patterns have not changed, with the persistent summer-like weather keeping walleyes spread out […]