A jig and minnow is turning walleyes on the points and main lake rocks in 5 to 8 feet. Muskie anglers are doing best by trolling open water basin areas or working the cabbage beds in Portage Bay and Sucker Bay. Anglers continue to sort through perch for their keepers off Sand Point in 4 to 9 feet. Grouse hunting has […]
Walleyes are being taken with a jig and minnow in less than 10 feet along Big Hardwoods and north into Sucker Bay. Sugar Point and Battle Point also are giving up walleyes in 5 to 9 feet and the rock pile in Kabekona Bay has produced walleyes with a slip bobber and minnow. Muskie action […]
Everyone agrees that the best part of Halloween — at least for younger folks — is the tradition of trick-or-treating. When else can you walk up to any old house in your neighborhood, knock on the door, and be given a handful or two of free candy, no questions asked? So as Halloween draws closer, […]
Halloween is just around the corner, which means if you want a unique, creative costume this year, it’s time to start planning now! To help provide some inspiration, we have some very Minnesota-inspired and very original costume ideas for you to consider this year. We can pretty much guarantee that you’ll be the only one […]
A jig and minnow is producing walleyes on the 12- to 15-foot cabbage in Portage Bay and on Second Duck Point in Sucker Bay over 8 to 12 feet. Sand Point in Walker Bay is worth hitting for perch and walleyes in 5 to 12 feet, while perch are going on Huddle’s Reef in 6 […]